Yuanta Securities (Thailand) won seven awards from the IAA Best Analyst Awards 2023


Mitihoon – Analyst team of Yuanta Securities (Thailand) Co., Ltd. shows potential and guarantees the quality of their investment analysis and research, reflecting constant development for the interest of Thai investors, as they are granted seven major national analyst awards from the “IAA Best Analyst Awards 2023” event held by Investment Analysts Association (IAA)

Yuanta Securities (Thailand) Co., Ltd.’s CEO, Mrs. Boonporn Boriboonsongsilp, the company executives, and the analyst team attended the “IAA Best Analyst Awards 2023” event to receive the analyst awards from Investment Analysts Association (IAA). This year, the analyst team of Yuanta Securities (Thailand) showed their best performance by winning seven awards out of 16 categories, including the best analyst team, the best analyst, and the outstanding awards. Mrs. Boonporn stated that “I would like to thank our customers and every investor for always supporting, trusting, and believing in the quality of Yuanta analyst team as our analysis team has been receiving the awards from the IAA Best Analyst Awards continuously. This year marks the fourth year that we maintain our quality as we are granted the award for being the top fundamental stock analysis team with the highest coverage (IAA Consensus). This is thanks to the committed works achieved by all of our analysts under the leadership of Mr. Padon Vannarat, Deputy Managing Director and Head of Research at Yuanta Securities (Thailand), for being able to win seven awards. This demonstrates the quality of our analyses which have been boosting the investor confidence. Furthermore, Yuanta prioritizes and supports the conducting of ESG analyst, which is an investment theme that is growing in popularity among investors worldwide. Apart from that, during market volatility, Yuanta promotes the conducting of other types of analysis in order to cover every investment product so that investors can have a choice, such as mutual funds, foreign stocks, digital assets, and new products such as DR & DRx. Most importantly, we still maintain our standard of communicating complex information to investors in an understandable manner and presenting information in an impressive manner through Facebook Live and Youtube on Yuanta WOW Channel, which has been running for more than four years. All of these things are key components that render the Yuanta analysis team so famous and loveable among investors as they win the national quality awards again this time.”


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